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About Julia

Who is Yulia Tamir-Dolzhansky, married to Eran, mother of Alon, Zohar, and little Yifat, I am a psychologist, who advises behavioral sleep problems in infants and children ("sleep counselor"), diaper weaning problems, and parental guidance.
In 2002 I graduated with honors with a master's degree in biological psychology from the university
Tel Aviv with Prof. Dafi Yoel in the field of learning psychology.
From 2002 until today, I have published 13 scientific articles and dozens of other articles on the Internet regarding the sleeping habits of infants and children.
Since 2003 I have been a member of the Israeli Association for Sleep Research ISRS, and since 2005 I have been a member of the European Organization for Sleep Research - ESRS.
Since 2003 for 7 years, I worked at the Institute of Sleep and Fatigue Medicine at the Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer. As part of my work at the Institute of Sleep Medicine - I managed the laboratory (as operations manager) for 3 years and established the clinic for infants and children. I have individually treated sleep counseling for more than 400 families with children from the age of 3 months to 10 years.
In addition, I conducted unique pregnancy workshops to instill proper sleeping habits in babies from birth - these workshops provided parents with practical guidance on how to instill proper sleeping habits in a baby from day one at home: building a daily and evening routine, coping with crying, conveying correct messages about sleep and avoiding negative messages. Regarding sleep and giving anesthesia independently.
In 2009, in light of the expansion of the clinic's activity in Tel Hashomer, the high demand and the long queues ...... I established the private clinic for the treatment of sleep problems in infants and children. The clinic focuses on providing sleep counseling and provides a solution to all behavioral sleep problems, at all ages: from early infancy to school age. In addition, over the years I have delved into the subject of diaper weaning and I give guidance and advice in establishing initial weaning from diapers as well as in solving weaning problems (misses, poop)

As of January 2020, the clinic has successfully treated more than 10,000 families, including more than 800 families with twins and even 20 triplets.

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